Sanks the name MUDDERS MY GAME!
Sanks the name MUDDERS MY GAME!
reminds me of classic NewGrounds animation that were drawn in a way either way
4/5 ....ehh fuck
The good just keeps rolling amazing animation awesome line up and all the refences spec tak.
Wonderful just wonderful the animation and sprite are a bit Shitty but the concept of the character and how they fought was pretty cool it need a bit more work but i enjoyed it the music fit this a bit but maybe something more madcom like could have bin used like overtune or
can can would be cool. I wonder if that ending with hank could lend to her being brought back to life because I like to see you improve on your work now more. either way 4.5/5 (ill be watching your career with great interest
ehhh coud have work but seems basic and the kill was not the great at all maybe try not making so sort i guess 3.5/5
not bad
Hell of madness animation the effects the blood stans its just Awesome 4/5
I am an Artist Trying to prefect my craft. I nearly want to show you the joys Creation
Joined on 7/23/20