Red spy is in the base
Red spy is in the base
i had no idea what i saw but HOT DAMM WAS THAT GOOD!
Really love how you made everything but used bits of drawings and stop motion
glad your getting good feedback on this either war 9/10 to me
its like if pie animation made an ainme tf2 vid
the action good the
animation swell
all 9/10 right here
Mad Fortress 2
what with him
He Killed People for no Reason lol
love hoe the animation and art style look and horror/gross like look to it all either way gets a 9/10 to me
kinda swell but it needs more frames dude that all
this is a 9 out of 10 animations the story was fantastic the animation top of the line thought the title is a liitle a....ahhh
so 9/10 zombies heads
The savior and The Sinner
That's exactly what I been going for.
I am an Artist Trying to prefect my craft. I nearly want to show you the joys Creation
Joined on 7/23/20